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Valvosacco’s green thinking originates thousands of miles from our factory, in the vast Nordic forests – the realm of timber. There, day after day we can witness the amazing miracle of nature: thousands of trees planted and grown thanks also to our contribution, resulting in expansion of forest areas and assisting with global climate improvement. The paper of the future comes from these trees and their wood, while the forests can return to their ancient splendour: it’s not a dream, but a reality we are committed to supporting. We have been doing it day after day for more than 60 years, thanks to a protocol and a Method that guarantee maximum quality and minimum environmental impact.
Valvosacco - 'nursery' greenhouses
This protected environment offers the ideal setting to select and grow the pine and birch saplings that are to be used in replacement and reforestation processes.
The paper we use in our production processes starts out in nursery greenhouse facilities. A virtuous system that guarantees correct use of the forestry resources of different parts of the world like Scandinavia and Canada, where timber is a heritage of inestimable value and must be protected.
Valvosacco - fir and birch plants
Valvosacco - protected forest heritage
By insisting on procuring raw materials exclusively from certified producers, Valvosacco plays a responsible role in protecting the environment and expanding the world heritage of forest coverage.
In the forests from which our paper is sourced, at least 3 saplings are planted and tended with the utmost care for every tree felled at the end of its commercial life cycle. So the world’s forestry resources are actually protected by the main paper mills.
Valvosacco - raw materials from certified producers
Valvosacco - efficiency, quality and environmental sustainability
The Valvosacco Method has always combined efficiency, quality and environmental sustainability, using the best resources with respect, offering an optimal and reliable product and service with a user manual that endures beyond the product life cycle, with awareness and management of its impact on a wider ranging circuit.